KBPS Employees Welfare Association is constituted for the personal and financial welfare of the members of the Society. All regular employees of KBPSare members of the Welfare Association. The management and administration of the affairs of the Association is vet with the Executive Committee consisting of 13 members with the Chairman as the Managing Director Kerala Books and Publications Society or his/her nominee.Monthly contributions from the members are the main funding of the Association.
KBPS Employees Welfare Association is conducting various activities for the welfare of the members.The major activities are:
- Grant of Scholarships to children of the members and Reading Rooms for members and recreation facilities to members.
- Financial assistance to the members and the dependents in acute distress either as loan or as grant according to the decision of the Executive Committee.
- Grants for conducting sports, competitions etc. for members and celebrations of Independence Day, Republic Day and Onam by the members.
- A scheme for the death-cum-retirement benefit is also introduced for the employees of the Society.
- Annual Health checkup is co-ordinating by the Welfare Association for the regular employees of the Society.